Friday, December 30, 2011

Start Me Up

I was (jokingly.. well, maybe not that jokingly) scolding my husband for not listening to me when he said "It's not that I don't listen to you, it's that you have so much to say that it's impossible to remember everything".  While I'll still argue that he needs to listen to his wife, I'll admit he makes a valid point.  I DO have a lot to say.  None of it is terribly important but really, how much of what anyone says is important?

I used to blog.  Quite a bit actually.  It's how I met my husband and ended up a whole country away from where I grew up.  It was a place for my musings, my schemes, my rants- my own little corner of the internet.  Since becoming a mom I find that while I LOVE it, there isn't a lot that I do for me.  You can expect me to talk about my family lots but know that there is going to be a lot of (sometimes nonsensical) ramblings too.

..."If you start me up, I'll never stop"