Sunday, January 15, 2012

Go to Sleep Already!

I'm quickly coming to the realization that if I want to get any sleep at all, I'm going to have to start writing things down before I go to bed.  I've never been good at falling asleep.  I lie there for at least an hour before I drift off and if I think about falling asleep?  Forget it, I'm done for.  I'll toss and turn and all the while, things are spinning around and around in my head.  Nothing earth-shatteringly important.. nothing even remotely so.

What's normally going on in my head is this: (insert random song.... for example's sake let's do "Conga" by Gloria Estefan) "Comeonshakeyourbodybabydotheconga.... I wonder how hard it would be to make my own vest pattern.  I'll do a little online research... I could really use a dress form.  Where would I put it though? ...Iknowyoucantcontrolyourselfanylonger... Maybe in the spare room?  Naah.. not a lot of room for it there.  Ugh.. I have to get those hats finished soon and start on that book for book club. ...Feeltherhythmofthemusicgettingstronger... What?? 2am already?"

Silly things.  Definitely not worth keeping me awake but it happens. If I jotted some things down before bed, I'd know that in the morning I could pick up where I left off.  Ahh, who am I kidding?  I'll probably still end up thinking about random things.

At any rate, here I am at 1:30, knitting and drinking sleepytime tea hoping I'll be tired enough by 2:00 to go back to bed.  It'll be an early morning tomorrow so maybe tomorrow night I'll be able to get some rest. :)

Friday, January 13, 2012


Yesterday while we were out and about on Hubby's day off, I bought myself a day planner.  I only have my name and cell number written in it but already I feel  more organized.  Maybe it's the potential for organization that makes me feel that way.

I have a bunch of hats to make but I think I'm going to take some time today to do some organizing around the house.  My place is in desperate need of a purge.  I do it from time to time, usually with my closet but this time around the whole house needs it.

My husband and I may both have pack rat tendencies.  Mine tend more toward craft supplies (I once decided that I was going to start making more things from the tons of stuff I had downstairs but that in part sparked my obsession with hats and now my house is full of more yarn than any sane person would ever have at one time) and my husband has a few small collections of this and that.  After a little while of accumulating things, I start to feel as though the air is thickening and it's almost a little hard to breathe.

Monday, January 9, 2012

This is how I roll..

One of the things I really want to do this year is get more organized.  My yarn stash is kind of an organized chaos (though my husband miiight argue that it's just a mess).  I never seem to be able to find anything that I'm looking for.  The worst is my collection of crochet hooks and knitting needles.  I took care of this issue though and had another local "mompreneur" make me a couple of knitting needle/crochet hook rolls.  They're SUPER cute!  I had her make them in a pink leopard print with black lining (who says crochet can't be sexy?)- they're going to make my life so much easier... so long as I remember to put them back in when I've finished using them!

When I was putting my knitting needles in, I realized just how many pairs I own.  Shh.. don't tell hubbs.  I might have to ask the lady to make me another one just so I can put all my dpns (double-pointed needles) in it.. I don't have room in the other one!

It's really nice to support other local small businesses.  I know I could probably have made these myself or even bought some on Etsy but because I rely on other locals for their business, I like to buy locally when I can as well.  I know it's a little early to be thinking about Christmas already (especially since I'm still cleaning up the frickin' glitter from the one that just passed) but I'm thinking this year I'm going to make or buy locally as many gifts as I can.  Better quality and more thoughtful gifts for all! :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Slip, Slip Hooray!!

I took a break from hats this morning to make myself some slippers.  A quick Google search yielded this pattern by Carmen Statham.  They worked up pretty quickly (about an hour) and were exactly what I was looking for!  This is definitely a pattern I'm adding to my stash!  There are also patterns for baby and toddler slippers.. perhaps I'll make a pair for my little bumblebee.. if she'll keep the darn things on!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Should Auld Acquaintances be Forgot..

Happy New Year!  Here's what I posted on Facebook last night:

This year I've been lucky enough to forge new friendships and rekindle old ones. I have spent some amazing time with my amazing family on both sides of the country. I've laughed and cried and measured my success in the number of moments that made me feel truly blessed- which were many. I've heard good news and bad news, sometimes had good days and sometimes had bad ones but always tried to live each one them never taking for granted who/what I have in my life. 365 days lived one at a time makes for one whole year of understanding who I am and feeling thankful that I have the life I have. Looking forward to the New Year and all the surprises and adventures it has in store. Happy New Year everyone, from my heart to yours ♥

I'm entering 2012 the same way I enter every new year- Hopeful, excited, ambitious.  My daughter will be walking before I know it (That's going to be an adventure in itself!), I have big plans for my little hat business and I am bursting at the seams with ideas and inspiration for new projects!

Instead of making the same New Year's Resolution I make every year (lose weight, get in shape- I still have plans to work on "me" but I'm not calling it a resolution), I resolve to do more nice things for others.  One of the first things on my list?  I have a cousin with cancer and I'm going to make her a soft, warm shawl.  We haven't been in touch for a long time (not for any bad reasons, we just never lived close to each other when we were younger, grew up and got involved with our own lives).  I've never knit a shawl before but with the help of a friend have found a pattern that shouldn't  kick my butt.  I'm excited!  I've been wanting to make one for a while but have been intimidated by the idea (until now I've only been working on small projects- ones that are easy to put down and pick back up without getting lost).  I can't think of a better reason to make my first one.

Because we live on opposite sides of the country, a shawl would be a perfect gift.  It's warm, comforting and you wrap it around your shoulders- it's just like a hug!  I found the most beautiful hand-dyed merino superwash yarn on Etsy in a bright magenta and purple mix.. I can't wait to see how it works up!

My other plans for 2012?  Making hats and donating them either to the maternity ward of the hospital or to the homeless.  I also want to do more little, everyday kinds of things- like buying a stranger a coffee or paying someone's bus fare.  Little things that are easy to pay forward.. maybe I'll start a movement!