Monday, January 9, 2012

This is how I roll..

One of the things I really want to do this year is get more organized.  My yarn stash is kind of an organized chaos (though my husband miiight argue that it's just a mess).  I never seem to be able to find anything that I'm looking for.  The worst is my collection of crochet hooks and knitting needles.  I took care of this issue though and had another local "mompreneur" make me a couple of knitting needle/crochet hook rolls.  They're SUPER cute!  I had her make them in a pink leopard print with black lining (who says crochet can't be sexy?)- they're going to make my life so much easier... so long as I remember to put them back in when I've finished using them!

When I was putting my knitting needles in, I realized just how many pairs I own.  Shh.. don't tell hubbs.  I might have to ask the lady to make me another one just so I can put all my dpns (double-pointed needles) in it.. I don't have room in the other one!

It's really nice to support other local small businesses.  I know I could probably have made these myself or even bought some on Etsy but because I rely on other locals for their business, I like to buy locally when I can as well.  I know it's a little early to be thinking about Christmas already (especially since I'm still cleaning up the frickin' glitter from the one that just passed) but I'm thinking this year I'm going to make or buy locally as many gifts as I can.  Better quality and more thoughtful gifts for all! :)

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