I'm quickly coming to the realization that if I want to get any sleep at all, I'm going to have to start writing things down before I go to bed. I've never been good at falling asleep. I lie there for at least an hour before I drift off and if I think about falling asleep? Forget it, I'm done for. I'll toss and turn and all the while, things are spinning around and around in my head. Nothing earth-shatteringly important.. nothing even remotely so.
What's normally going on in my head is this: (insert random song.... for example's sake let's do "Conga" by Gloria Estefan) "Comeonshakeyourbodybabydotheconga.... I wonder how hard it would be to make my own vest pattern. I'll do a little online research... I could really use a dress form. Where would I put it though? ...Iknowyoucantcontrolyourselfanylonger... Maybe in the spare room? Naah.. not a lot of room for it there. Ugh.. I have to get those hats finished soon and start on that book for book club. ...Feeltherhythmofthemusicgettingstronger... What?? 2am already?"
Silly things. Definitely not worth keeping me awake but it happens. If I jotted some things down before bed, I'd know that in the morning I could pick up where I left off. Ahh, who am I kidding? I'll probably still end up thinking about random things.
At any rate, here I am at 1:30, knitting and drinking sleepytime tea hoping I'll be tired enough by 2:00 to go back to bed. It'll be an early morning tomorrow so maybe tomorrow night I'll be able to get some rest. :)
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