Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Finished! :)

The extra yarn I ordered came in REALLY quickly!  A week ago today, actually.  I'm proud to say that the shawl is finished.  I have a couple of hats to make to send with it before I pop it in the mail.  I really hope my cousin likes it.  The pattern (a beautiful one by Rowan) is called "Birch" and is available for free when you register at their website.  The pattern calls for a mohair yarn but I wanted something a little more "meaty".  So without further adieu, here is my lovely finished shawl:

Having never blocked a shawl before (this is my first one!), I didn't realize what a task it was.  I chose to pin it instead of using blocking wire but I'm happy with the way it turned out even though it took me HOURS to pin..  Pinning a shawl + OCD= Me kind of wanting to pull my hair out.  It wasn't so bad as to prevent me from making another one though and I actually have another one on the go.  Same pattern but in a medium weight yarn.  

The pattern was an easy one, I had the repeats memorized before too long.  A great pattern for my first try at lace knitting!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Everything is better dipped in Chocolate

My husband and I aren't the kind of people who spend a TON of money on Valentine's Day.  Not a day goes by without us saying "I love you".  He buys me little things all year long to show me that I'm always on his mind and vice-versa. Our plans for tonight involve dinner at home after our darling daughter goes to bed.

 I'm a sucker for all the lovey-dovey quotes, crafts and heart shaped things that the day brings- I can hardly wait until my girl is old enough to do valentines crafts and baking with!

They're not baked but today I whipped up a batch of chocolate-covered strawberries- yum!  They're so easy to make (though I'm a little disappointed I forgot to pick up white chocolate to drizzle them with- they would have looked REALLY fancy).

Find the recipe for them here.  Wish I had a nicer way to display them (and a nicer camera to take pictures of them with but you get the idea!) but I still think they look pretty darn good!

They'll definitely be tasty after a nice dinner with my wonderful hubby!  Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Pretty Valentine..

I look after a little girl in my home a couple of days a week.  She's a year older than my little girl and because of that I'm able to do a few things with her that I can't do with my own, like little crafts and stuff.  

I decided today that since Valentine's day is coming we could make some really cute cards for her family.  I'm a hoarder of all things crafty so of course I had blank cards, acrylic paints, heart stamps I made from compressed cellulose sponges (last night) and little rubber letter stamps.  I let her choose the colours and we got a little messy.  I'm really happy with the way these cards turned out and I hope her family likes them.  Brings a new meaning to "handmade" as well :)

So cute!  I also made some play dough and the she loved it!  I'll send her home with a chunk but I'll keep the rest of it here for next time :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hooked on Pinterest

I am so obsessed with pinterest that I could scream..  I am literally going into "amazing thing" overload.  I've only had an account for a couple of days but already I have so many ideas for things I want to do.  I have a huge bin of odds and ends that were given to me by my mother in law and I've been trying to think of what I want to do with everything.  Now I'm bursting at the seams with ideas!  A million thanks to Tracy who sent me an invitation in response to my lamenting on Facebook about how I requested an invite weeks ago and was still waiting.

Someday soon, my husband is going to come home from work to find me waist-deep in a pile of lace scraps and scrapbook paper with glue in my hair and my kid munching on rickrack and tempera paint. Maybe I should warn him... naah.  It would be more fun if I didn't!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Coming up short.. eep!

So the beautiful yarn I ordered from The Wooly Rhinoceros came in a little over a week ago.  I should have taken pictures of the yarn before I started working on my shawl but I was so excited to cast on that I completely forgot about it.  The yarn is BEAUTIFUL.  I want to eat it.  Seriously.  The colours are so vivid and the way they fade in and out of each other is amazing.  I'm so happy with it.

The ONLY issue I've had?  I didn't order enough.  The lady at The Wooly Rhinoceros put a ball aside for me in case I needed it but I was fairly certain I would be ok.  GAH!  I guess I should have known better.  This being a time sensitive project (my cousin isn't doing very well from what her sister relayed to me the day after I got the yarn in the mail) I should have had the foresight to just order the extra ball.  I have my fingers crossed that I get it to her soon, or even better that she beats this and is able to wear her shawl for years and years to come.

Since I don't have the shawl finished, I won't post a photo of the whole thing but here is a nice close-up of the detail:

Because it's not finished I haven't blocked it yet but it is SO pretty.  A great first attempt at lace knitting AND I've been wanting to make a shawl for a while now but was afraid to (it being a larger project and I tend to have a touch of ADD when I'm knitting/crocheting- not to mention the fact that I need things I can easily put down so I can keep after my little one and make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble).

I'll make sure I post pictures once it's finished :)