Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Everything is better dipped in Chocolate

My husband and I aren't the kind of people who spend a TON of money on Valentine's Day.  Not a day goes by without us saying "I love you".  He buys me little things all year long to show me that I'm always on his mind and vice-versa. Our plans for tonight involve dinner at home after our darling daughter goes to bed.

 I'm a sucker for all the lovey-dovey quotes, crafts and heart shaped things that the day brings- I can hardly wait until my girl is old enough to do valentines crafts and baking with!

They're not baked but today I whipped up a batch of chocolate-covered strawberries- yum!  They're so easy to make (though I'm a little disappointed I forgot to pick up white chocolate to drizzle them with- they would have looked REALLY fancy).

Find the recipe for them here.  Wish I had a nicer way to display them (and a nicer camera to take pictures of them with but you get the idea!) but I still think they look pretty darn good!

They'll definitely be tasty after a nice dinner with my wonderful hubby!  Happy Valentine's Day!

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