Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Finished! :)

The extra yarn I ordered came in REALLY quickly!  A week ago today, actually.  I'm proud to say that the shawl is finished.  I have a couple of hats to make to send with it before I pop it in the mail.  I really hope my cousin likes it.  The pattern (a beautiful one by Rowan) is called "Birch" and is available for free when you register at their website.  The pattern calls for a mohair yarn but I wanted something a little more "meaty".  So without further adieu, here is my lovely finished shawl:

Having never blocked a shawl before (this is my first one!), I didn't realize what a task it was.  I chose to pin it instead of using blocking wire but I'm happy with the way it turned out even though it took me HOURS to pin..  Pinning a shawl + OCD= Me kind of wanting to pull my hair out.  It wasn't so bad as to prevent me from making another one though and I actually have another one on the go.  Same pattern but in a medium weight yarn.  

The pattern was an easy one, I had the repeats memorized before too long.  A great pattern for my first try at lace knitting!

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