Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Pretty Valentine..

I look after a little girl in my home a couple of days a week.  She's a year older than my little girl and because of that I'm able to do a few things with her that I can't do with my own, like little crafts and stuff.  

I decided today that since Valentine's day is coming we could make some really cute cards for her family.  I'm a hoarder of all things crafty so of course I had blank cards, acrylic paints, heart stamps I made from compressed cellulose sponges (last night) and little rubber letter stamps.  I let her choose the colours and we got a little messy.  I'm really happy with the way these cards turned out and I hope her family likes them.  Brings a new meaning to "handmade" as well :)

So cute!  I also made some play dough and the she loved it!  I'll send her home with a chunk but I'll keep the rest of it here for next time :)

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